Mornings in the City
Mornings in the City



“LIT” by CLYFE entered the Urban Fire Chart at Number 12 this week. The song draws inspiration from the upcoming novel LIT, set to be published in October 2024. The screenplay is also in development for release in 2025. The connection between the song, novel, and screenplay gives the track a layered narrative. It reflects a personal journey of emotional chaos, healing, and self-discovery.

The song’s lyrics dive into a tumultuous relationship where the protagonist is trapped in a cycle of love, loss, and frustration. The lines “You rant and you rage / After all I gave up” capture the sense of feeling stuck, while “Fire it up for you, just to be hazy lit” highlights the draining effect of trying to hold on. These intense emotions are expressed through raw, unfiltered words that leave the listener reflecting on their own struggles with love and heartbreak.

CLYFE’s vocals are powerful, with each word carrying the weight of emotional exhaustion. The lyrics describe moments of regret, like “Got me cussing at the wind. Sad, this isn’t what I’d do again,” showing the inner conflict of wanting to move forward but feeling pulled back by unresolved pain. The chorus is both haunting and catchy, with the repetition of “Fire it up for you, just to be hazy lit” creating a sense of despair and resignation.

As LIT the novel prepares to make its debut, the song offers a glimpse into the complex emotions explored in the story. For fans of deep, introspective lyrics and rich storytelling, “LIT” by CLYFE is a track that burns bright. It captures the highs and lows of love while leaving you eager to see the full narrative unfold across the novel and screenplay.

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